Saturday, April 19, 2008

2 Kings 6: 15-17

"Early in he morning Elisha's servant got up, went out of the house,and saw the Syrian troops with their horses and chariots surrounding the town. He went to Elisha and exclaimed "We are doomed,sir! What shall we do?"
Don't be afraid, "Elisha answered. " We have more on our side than they have on theirs."

On our world today, we think that their is lot of bad people around. The truth is their is more than the good side than the bad side. We have ignore the side of truth. We think of doomsday rather than the coming of light.

We live in darkness instead of light. We don't seek the kingdom of God. We should be searching for the Life, the Truth and the Way.

We still ask "What is the truth?" but in reality the truth is just within ourselves, it just can't manifest on our life. We should meditate the presence of Jesus Christ in our life. The happiness that we want is just in the corner.

Keep on Punching!

Monday, March 31, 2008

The answers is in the Bible


For the blues, read Psalm 27
For an empty purse, read Psalm 57
If discourage about work, Psalm 128
if people seem unkind to you, John 15
if you are losing confidence to people, I Corinthians 13
If you are all out of sorts, Hebrew 12
For a traveling companion, Psalm 121

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Harvesting Gold Medals in the Olympics is the aim and purpose of Philippine Chess Boxing Association (PCBA). To have many more chess Grandmasters and probably the first Filipino Chess World Champion of the World. It will use Computer technologies on the advancement of this two sports for the benefit of mankind.

The goal of the organization is to be the FIRST in everything. How sweet it is to be the only one who knows how to do it. Many know how to do it but action speaks louder than words. So be it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chess Boxing Charter

P = Personal P = Perfect

C = Computer C = Chess

B = Boxing B = Based

A = Advancement A = Advocacy

It summaries fundamental structure of Philippine Chess Boxing Association ( PCBA ) . It denotes the promotion of these sports for fun and intelligence. It comprise of actual Chess and eventually real Boxing (Amateur).

The purpose of it all is the recognition of being the best in this field. These sports is truly for the Filipino people. When this sports is awaken , the whole world will tremble e.g. Manny Pacquaio and Filipino Chess Grandmasters.

We will be the cornerstone in the Philippine Sports. An icon to reckon with, a humble institution that will last, and the seeker of the truth.

Thanks be to God for this wonderful Idea. Only love can fill this world of lasting peace....Jesus Christ is the only savior, He is the Alpha and Omega, The Word and the Only Way.

Praise be to God!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

First in Everything

How often does I think to be the first in everything. If somebody has already taken things my enthusiasm die down. First honor in school for example have been taken already by somebody else. I want to be the first in everything here in the Philippines e.g. promotion of chessboxing and capturing our first ever gold medal in the Olympics.

So whatever I do now is the realization of does goals above. I want to create an organization that is new and the only guy that can do me. This idea of mine , I will create a team who would plan our way to success.

Peace and prosperity may come to the Philippines with the help of Jesus - Our only Saviour now and forever.

Please help us Lord. Thank you.